Italian landscape Landscape Painting

Elba golden light

20 x 30 painted surface. Price category C. This is place I reach sometimes half dead in my bicycle journeys on the mountain of Elba. This morning I risked that half dead would not be a metaphora thanks to car turning U in front of me. These are houses in the golden light of morning […]

Italian landscape Sketching

Sketchbook around Elba

A view of Marciana from the water fountain where I stop during my bicycle tours. I am experimenting with new brush, too.

Italian landscape Landscape Painting Seascape

Dry creek in colors

37 x 48 – price category D. I am having fun in painting larger sizes. I got a lot of paper to free myself from paper fear, but actually the wide surface transmitted me a positive feeling of freedom and joy. The gesture is more fun and I play much more then feeling worried to […]

Italian landscape Landscape Painting Urban landscape

A parking lot in Elba

Not the most poetic of subjects. A semisavage parking lot bordered by canes, wild greens and some modern residential buildings in background. But these are the subjects I may love, those allowing me to see the beauty and the magic that us not so apparent at first sight. Size is quarter imperial sheet: 28 x […]

Commission House portrait Painting


A small commissioned painting. Portrait of house.

Collectors News Painting

The power collector

My paintings in Salerno. At home of my main collector Marialfonsa Acocella.

Italian landscape Painting Urban landscape


Trying to catch the light and the thrill of Naples. Do you think I got it right? Watercolor on Magnani Italia 300g, 100% cotton paper. Cm 28 x 38

Painting Palette


This palette belonged to my father. Today it is an happy palette. She painted something really nice.

Italian landscape Painting Small Urban landscape

Piazza del campo

A very small 10 x 15 painting of the blazing light in Piazza del Campo, Siena, in the days waiting for the Palio.

Italian landscape Landscape Painting Small

A village

13 x 18 from 2019. Italian village in lunigiana (just behind Pisa and La Spezia)